Oak & Jay | Fabric & Wallpaper

Oak & Jay | Fabric & Wallpaper


While Jays and Oaks don’t exclusively depend on each other, the Jay is the reason Oaks have such a wide range. A Jay can carry an acorn up to 100 miles away from the tree it originated from!

I am very excited to offer this design on fabric, wallpaper, and home decor through Spoonflower. Click the link below to shop my Spoonflower collection! (Please note: this button will take you to an external site to make your purchase)

Checkout on Spoonflower
Ceanothus Silk Moth Kitchen Towel 7975e8292fe8a209903ce9d19cdf191c

Ceanothus Silk Moth Kitchen Towel

Cedar Waxwing & Elderberry | Fabric & Wallpaper Hand drawn botanical illustration light blue background cedar waxwing bird elderberry plant leaves and berries seamless repeat fabric wallpaper home decor spoonflower

Cedar Waxwing & Elderberry | Fabric & Wallpaper

Anise Swallowtail + Cow Parsnip Kitchen Towel a48bf3018e6e19526be594d0c3b83d28

Anise Swallowtail + Cow Parsnip Kitchen Towel

Hummingbird & Sage Kitchen Towel a375a523f86004a67b998cbc2b8491cd

Hummingbird & Sage Kitchen Towel

Bat + Agave Kitchen Towel d822938505edb74e11dcb6439932c2e5

Bat + Agave Kitchen Towel
